Only 3 days left to have your name published in our next novella!

Cover Art by Amar Djouad

If you already own a copy of Exiles of Kho and/or The Scarlet Jaguar, you know on the acknowledgments page there is a long list of those readers who preordered the books and made their publication possible.

How cool is that? How many other publishers do that?

Our latest novella, Phileas Fogg and the War of Shadows by Josh Reynolds will also have this list of preorderers whose names will be immortalized as those being wise enough to have purchased the book before it came out—without whom, the book would not have been published.

If you would like to be one of those visionaries, your time is running out! This book will go into production next week so in order for your name to appear on the acknowledgments page, you must preorder no later than this Thursday, May 15th.

Don’t miss out and have this be a regret you live with for the rest of your life, order today!

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