Yearly Archive: 2010

First 200 Words (part 12)

Philip José Farmer made a startling discovery when he realized the affect the Wold Newton Meteorite had on the people who were present when it crashed into Northern England. One thing however he did not...

First 200 Words (part 11)

Before one can write a story set in the Wold Newton Universe, which usually entails interactions between characters of disparate origins, reseach must be done. Hours and hours spent verifying such meetings could have really...

First 200 Words (part 10)

During his career, Philip José Farmer gave many speeches at science fiction and literary conventions. A quick perusal of this list of Conventions, Events and Other Appearances will show that he was very well...

First 200 Words (part 9)

Do you remember how much fun Philip José Farmer had, paying tribute to his pulp heroes among other things, with the extremely unlucky character Greatheart Silver? Don’t you wish Phil had written more than three stories...

First 200 Words (part 8)

This story was found in Philip José Farmer’s computer, a late 1980s IBM PS/2. While the story was complete, there were no notes indicating what or who it was written for. As for the story,...

First 200 Words (part 7)

In 1968 Philip José Farmer wondered, what if William S. Burroughs had written Tarzan instead of Edgar Rice Burroughs? His short story, “The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod” gave us a short glimpse of...

First 200 Words (part 6)

Anthology editors are never supposed to say “this is my favorite” about something in a book they edit, but I just can’t help myself. As much as I love the new stories set in...

First 200 Words (part 5)

Here is another story set in a world Philip José Farmer created, Ancient Opar and the Khokarsan Empire. This was a favorite of both Phil and his fans in the short lived series, Hadon of...

First 200 Words (part 4)

We’ve gotten lots of questions about the subtitle of the book, “Protean Dimensions.” Just what does that mean? The subtitle, the entire book, and indeed the entire proposed series of Worlds of Philip José...

First 200 Words (part 3)

The Worlds of Philip José Farmer isn’t just about publishing never before seen material by Farmer and new stories set in his worlds. We also intend to preserve essays written about Farmer and his work during his...