Secrets of the Nine Omnibus to include three full color interior plates!

Meteor House is thrilled to announce we have commissioned three full color interior images for our Secrets of the Nine Omnibus, from Iason Ragnar Bellerophon! One image will precede each novel: A Feast Unknown, Lord of the Trees, and The Mad Goblin.

Shown to the right is a small sample from the art for A Feast Unknown.

Iason is a long-time Philip José Farmer fan, and a past Farmerphile contributor (under the name Jason Robert Bell). He once created a multi-media/experimental film cycle adapted from A Feast Unknown performed in 30 minute segments of the book with pre-recorded audio and a video projection of thousands of original drawings illustrating the story.

Along with Win Scott Eckert, Douglas Klauba, R. Paul Sardanas, and Art Sippo, Iason will sign the signature sheets for the hardcover limited edition.

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